Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Missing Bapak

Again and again I'm missing Bapak, only because he's not able to communicate with us the way he did before. Neither does he recognise us all now. Yearning for his advises, his laughter. Missing those phone calls he would make each day to all his 6 children. Da kawen da ade anak pon hari2 masek call.

Jasa, penat lelah, kasih sayang kedua Mak dan Bapak dalam mendidik kami menjadi insan yang mengenal Tuhan tak mungkin dapat kami balas. Sunggohpon mereka tidak hidup dalam kemewahan, namun mereka tetap bahagia, alhamdulillah. We are their wealth. Kami lah harta mereka.

Semoga Allah kurniakan kesejahteraan buat Mak dan Bapak didunia ini, mahupon diakhirat kelak dan semoga kepayahan dan kesabaran Mak menjaga Bapak mendapat ganjaran yang setimpal dariNya, ameen!!

My Mak and Bapak are the bestest parents in the world and there can be no one person who could ever replace them. Jannah for them, insyaAllah. And may the Suratman's family be gathered in Jannah, the way we are in this dunya, ameen!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Syawal Surprise Note

A lil surprise on the last day of Ramadhan. Received this in the letter box. A letter from the lil bestie. Yes, you heard me right! A letter and a pix from Kakak via Masjud Al Mukminin. Perhaps the committee had it all planned during the RYC - Ramadhan Youth Camp - that letter to parents are expected to be received on Syawal eve. As always, anything from Kakak is touching. Very timely to receive my lil bestie's note a day before Syawal. So much love for this! Alhamdulillah TQ Allah! 

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


"Moga keluarga Cikwi jadi keluarga yang menyinar gemilang Al-Qur'an didalamnya." MasyaAllah! sangat2 terharu saat guru mendoakan demikian. Allahumma ameen!

Bukan satu perkara mudah mendidik anak2 untuk lahirkan cinta akan Al-Qur'an. Aku sendiri harus jadi contoh yang terbaik buat mereka. Berpegang pada prinsip jadikan hari ini lebih baik dari semalam, saban hari aku cuba usahakan agar selalu ada peningkatan dalam diri. To lead and show by example. Seringkali juga dalam usaha itu aku tewas. Seringkali aku tidak dapat menahan emosi. Seringkali juga aku rasakan aku gagal jadi ibu yang mithali. Tapi apa yang aku tahu, aku sentiasa lakukan dan berikan yang terbaik untuk anak2 dan aku berbangga dengan pencapaian mereka setakat ini. Segalanya dengan izin Allah jua. 

Mereka sering melihat aku ketawa bahagia seolah tiada duka. Hanya Allah tempat aku mengadu kerana hanya Dia yang Maha Mengetahui. Aku bertahan kerana amanah yang Allah beri dan akan bertahan selagi hayatku masih ada. "I know I'm waiting. Yearning for something. Something known only to me." Something that is also known to you, my 3 precious angels, now that you are at an age where you begin to understand what I've been thru'. May Allah ease all of our affairs ameen.

now, that makes me miss bapak :'( rindu sangat nak bual2 bincang2 ngan bapak :'(

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Musabaqah Tahfiz Jeelun Qurani 1

Adek did not intend to participate but was advised by Ustaz Qusairy to register for it. And so he was registered for Category 3 (10 juzuk) and his session was scheduled on 2/7/2015

However, 2 days before his session, he received his entry proof for the O Level exams and that Malay oral coincided with his session's date. Hence he wanted to back out. Again Ustaz Qusairy advised him not to. He was instead asked to change schedule to 1/7/2015 and change to Categaory 2 instead ( 5 juzuk )

The Results :

We plan but Allah is indeed the best of planners. Adek was announced as the 2nd place winner in Category 2, alhamdulillah. How beautiful Allah has arranged his life masyaAllah! as the 2nd prize winner for Category 2, Adek received a framed certificate, a Qur'an. sejadah & ma'thurat and also $300 money prize alhamdulillah :) "can save for umrah" :') Oh everyone got all excited when Darwis was announced as the winner for Category 3 & overall winner, all because he got a ticket for Umrah!!! MasyaAllah such meaningful prize! So happy for him & his parents, alhamdulillah :)

adek receiving his prize

the winners 1st - 3rd & the judges 

As always, I can never thank Allah enough. I'm feeling so blessed, alhamdulillah, thank you Allah!
May the Qur'an be the best of companion for us all ameen.