Saturday, November 30, 2013

Abang is 17!

from the moment they placed you in my arms, you snuggled right into my heart..a beneficial being to others & successful mukmin fiddunya wa akhirah, insyaAllah ameen..

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Scoliosis follow up

Sent adek to NUH for his scoliosis  follow up. It wasn't all good. From the X-ray done, it was found that the curve had bent to an angle of 37, reaching the cut off 45, which is not quite good news :(

Another follow up in the next 9 months. Hopefully everything's gonna be ok insyaAllah. No surgery please ya Allah!

Macam-macam hal anak2ku, namun aku redha. Pastinya ada hikmah disebalik semua ini :')

Memory lane

On this day last year, Abang had his first and hopefully last major surgery for his gum tumor. Everything went well for him alhamdulillah. It was the day that I cried so hard for him, seeing his condition after the surgery :'( Now, a year later, he is doing great alhamdulillah, with on going follow ups with his surgeon.

Monday, November 11, 2013

End of the big O

Today marks the end of the big O for Abang, alhamdulillah. And today after his last paper, Abang went for a job interview. Alhamdulillah he got the job at Siemen's Medical instruments and will start work tomorrow. Alhamdulillah rezeki sementara tunggu results :D

Friday, November 8, 2013

Happy Birthday to me!

O son of Adam! You are nothing but a number of days. Whenever each day passes, then a part of you has gone. ~ al Hasan al Basri

umur kita adalah kumpulan hari-hari..dan hari-hari itu amatlah sedikit..semakin umur meningkat, semakin hampirlah diri ini dengan kematian..sebanyak manakah amalan ku? sekuat manakah iman ku? Allah! :'( yang pasti ku bersyukur sangat2 diatas nikmat sihat dan nikmat umur yang telah Allah kurniakan..

Alhamdulillah for today!! :)


Monday, November 4, 2013

Short Anniversary Getaway ~ 2nd - 3rd Dec'13

So touched when my youngest initiated a getaway to Tropical Inn Hotel JB for a one night stay to celebrate our 18th wedding anniversary which falls today :')

With ayah's help, all 3 of them contributed the all expenses paid hotel stay. Ayah just gotta obliged. He just gotta take 2 days leave for kakak's sake. It's not always that he spends the weekend with us. He just can't possibly disappoint kakak this time round. Alhamdulillah he didn't and kakak was the most happiest girl for the day :D

We checked in Tropical Inn at about 2.30 pm. Prior to that, we had our lunch at JB Sentral after one and a half hour of queuing at the immigration checkpoint. 

It was such a pleasant sight upon checking in the family room. It was huge, with a living room area. So spacious for even 10 persons or more to solat jemaah, serious!

We just lazed around till Maghrib, after which we took a cab to Larkin for dinner. Nothing much to do at Larkin for most of the shops were closing so we went back to the hotel after dinner.

Breakfast at the hotel was alhamdulillah. We were given 4 breakfast coupons by the hotel receptionist upon check in but the restaurant manager was kind enough to grant kakak free entry.

It was soon time to pack up before we check out. Decided to lunch at City Square's Seoul Garden and do a lil bit of shopping for the lil missy.

We truly had fun quality time especially so with ayah's presence alhamdulillah. *not forgetting the 'u spoil my day moment' by someone close* could she!! memang padan la her comments pat fb aku kena delete!! :P