Friday, January 25, 2013

Slow Bone Growth

Adek's appointment at HPB Scoliosis specialist yesterday did not bring about any positive results just yet.

An x-ray was taken. The growth on his spines is slow and has yet to reach maturity. As such, another appointment is scheduled for Adek to come back in 9 months' time. Everything khair, insyaAllah. :)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

YTS - Adek's progress

الله الله الحمدلله.

Adek came back from tahfiz at MKS awhile ago telling me that he now has to revise for his 1st test for having completed memorising 6 ajza' (juzu') of the Qur'an. MasyaAllah alhamdulillah,

I'm just too overwhelmed. Thank you Allah for this nikmah. :')

Monday, January 21, 2013

Scoliosis - Adek's Follow up Reminder

Received a reminder via sms. Almost forget that Adek needs to go back to the Scoliosis Clinic at HPB for a follow up. It was 6 months ago that he was seen by the specialist. Hopefully his curved spines are not that bad now. No brace for him please ya Allah...kesian la plak if he needs one :(

Sunday, January 20, 2013

A New Paradigm in Madrasah Education

Time and again, I'm proud to have enrolled all my three kids into a Madrasah for their education, specifically Madrasah Al Irsyad Al Islamiah. Alhamdulillah, throughout the years, I've seen many positive changes in the curriculum that the Madrasah has to offer in order to meet the needs of it's students, to be on par, if not better than their counterparts in the mainstream schools, and more.

In 2009, began the revamp of the Madrasah education system, where 3 out of 6 full time Madrasahs were brought together under one system, JMS - Joint Madrasah System. Since then, Madrasah Al Irsyad became the feeder Primary School to Madrasah Aljunied & Madrasah Al Arabiah, which would offer Secondary & Pre-U education.

Yesterday, parents of the 3 Madrasahs under JMS were invited for a very important briefing on a new paradigm in Madrasah education. And oh, I'm impressed! Kudos to the teams involved in revamping the Madrasah education system for the betterment of Madrasah students. May Allah ease all of their affairs, insyaAllah ameen. And alhamdulillah, Kakak will be among the students of the first cohort of JMS..

Click here for a recent update on the speech by Dr Yaacob Ibrahim on the revamped Madrasah Education System. ---> A New Paradigm in Madrasah Education

& here for latest update on JMS ---> JMS

Friday, January 18, 2013

Follow up Check-up I - 2013

This morning Abang had his follow-up check-up at NDC. A first for the year 2013. Alhamdulillah all went well.

His jaw bones are growing well. But Dr Lai said that the growth would never be the same as they were originally. As such, it, the jaw bones' growth need to be monitored and if in 2 or 3 years time, it does not meet their expectation, an implant will still be needed. Ya Allah, please make it easy for my son, for otherwise, the bones from his hips need to be taken for the implant.


And we all agree that Teha does look like her. Sartini. My Mak's helper. Oh, yes she was here on the day we were in Beijing. So far Mak's pleased with her, and that's all that matters :) alhamdulillah!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Alhamdulillah, I managed to khatam the Qur'an today. It's sad though that each year, I made a resolution to khatam at least twice in a year, but I have yet to achieve it. And it's a sad fact that only during the month of Ramadhan that I'll be at my most determined self to khatam before each Ramadhan ends. And it's a sad fact too that during Ramadhan, I could easily finish reading a juzu' or even more per day, but lack that enthusiasm outside Ramadhan. I could take weeks or even months to finish just one juzu' :( No matter how bad it may seem, I'll always try my best to read the Qur'an even a page a day. 

Read the Qur'an! Make Qur'an our way of life!

Dimana kesantunan?

Alhamdulillah, semalam dan hari ini aku mendengar dan dikhabarkan hanya yang baik-baik tentang Dini Amani. Semoga anak Mama jadi anak yang solehah, insyaAllah. 

Dalam kegembiraan menerima perkhabaran ini, aku dikejutkan dengan sikap seorang waris yang pada pendapatku berkata-kata tidak bersantun. Allah! Tengoklah dengan siapa kamu berbicara. Kenapa harus kurangkan rasa hormat dengan pengetua walau tidak sependapat atau kurang setuju dengan setiap usulan? Dah lama aku perhatikan si waris ini memang lantang bila menyuarakan pendapat. Dalam kelantangan, tak perlulah rasanya bersikap angkuh. Terkadang aku tak faham apa sebenar matlamat waris itu menghantar anaknya bersekolah dimadrasah sedangkan pada matanya ada saja yang tak kena, selalu sangat membandingkan madrasah dengan sekolah sekular. Rasanya lebih baiklah puan keluarkan saja anak puan dari madrasah kerana masih ramai lagi diluar sana yang menginginkan anak2 mereka bersekolah dimadrasah namun tidak terpilih.

Aku kecewa dengan waris2 yang bila bercakap kurang bersantun :(

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Stomach flu & high fever

Having stomach flu & high fever at the same time is not so fun. The gastric pain was killing me the whole of yesterday. And I didn't even know I was having high fever..keluar masok toilet muntah & berak2 sampai tak terperasan..patot ar terasa sejok semacam..anyway, only realised it last night during my visit to the doctor..

Today I'm feeling much better, with lesser pain on the abdomen, alhamdulillah. Teha isn't around coz I'm given a day off by her ibu. Nora has always been accomodating and understanding all these while, alhamdulillah.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Tiada Siapa yang Tahu

kelihatannya aku tertawa
mestikah ia tanda bahagia?
disaat linang airmata
pastikah aku berduka?

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Start of School year 2013

Alhamdulillah today went well for all 3 of them. Today was the start of the co-location for Irsyad Secondary students in Aljunied. And it was a whole new journey to school for Abang & Adek. Assembly for the Irsyadians was held at the auditorium which, according to them was quite cramp. Takpela, da menompang jangan nak komplen hehe Canteen food was ok, with 4 stalls operating. InsyaAllah everything's gonna work on fine for the Irsyadians being on Aljunied's ground :))

Kakak still remains in Irsyad and as mentioned in an earlier post, is in 5 Cordova alhamdulillah :)) It's a tough & competitive class and Kakak needs to be consistent. She's glad that Mdm Alwiyah is still her form teacher.

Adek is in 3 Bukhara, with Ustazah Faridah as his form teacher, while Mr Rahmat is the form teacher for Abang's class, 5 Bukhara, ermm impressive :) Abang needs to work doubly hard this year as he'll be sitting for his O's this year. With hard work, determination & du'a, he's gonna achieve what he aims for, insyaAllah.

May this school year be fruitful and may they receive barakah-filled & beneficial 'ilm, insyaAllah, ameen.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Making something bad from something good?

I agree with what Ustaz Fadli Ayub had posted on his FB timeline.

"I am all for dakwah and all other Islamic religious program, but for single women and young girls going out until late night, it does faze me, even if it's for the sake of good. I would prefer they stay at home and do the simple practices. Do not make your parents worry. For guys it is exceptional. Not double standards. This is where syaithan is playing with us. Making something bad from something good."

Anyhow, I do believe Syabab SG had done a very great job and they had indeed succeeded in pulling the so-called 'wild' youths to the masjid, alhamdulillah. I applauded them for their efforts. :))

However, I don't know, but I'm not in favour of the activities organised by be it Syabab SG, MOS, MCR of late. I'm far from against majlis in remembrance of our beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. But of late, I see that these majlis that they organised looked somewhat like a 'pesta' :'( While I may still wanna attend various majlis selawat, or any of the likes, I'm firm with my stand, Islam itu satu penghayatan, bukan keramaian..wallahua'lam

I seek refuge in Allah from Syaitan, the accursed one.