It's been more than 6 years since the last I did online biz selling Tapak Kuda & Cili Sos before I decided to babysit Teha and her sis, Chacha after 3 subsequent years. The urge to make a comeback was so strong but this time with a different product.
It all started when I had a bite on the bro-in-law's shabu2 burger. He gave me the recipe to try out and that was when the idea came out. My sis & bro-in-law gave consent. Family members & close friends gave full support. I feel loved, masyaAllah!
And so, on 16th March 2016, I launched an introductory Shabu Burger sale. The respond was overwhelming that I have to close order earlier, that is, on the next day. Alhamdulillah!! Frankly, I have to admit that I have a strong customer base from my previous TK & CS biz. Though not at large and I kept them small, they were the ones who had always been supporting me with their continuous orders. Heart them much!! I'm not one who's too ambitious to make it big, but I'm doing this to help lighten the hubby's burden, being the sole breadwinner with 2 Madrasah schooling kids and the other will be in his 3rd year Poly. Alhamdulillah, Allah has always made it easy for us and we sentiasa rasa cukup dengan segala pemberianNya walau tidak sebanyak mana. Harus sentiasa bersangka baik dengan Allah :)
Before launching, I had my family members, sisters, bro-in-laws, nieces and nephews sampling my Shabu Burgers. Alhamdulillah feedbacks were all positive! I thank them all for making this happen!
And the niece too goes all out in supporting her makcik belo hehehe And yes, of course, I'm so loving the logo that Atin created for me, alhamdulillah!!
Nice? How do you like it?
May Allah make it easy for me, ameen. Anyway, since I'm still babysitting the 2 siblings, it's gonna be a weekly or once in 2 wks pre order affair (weekends sale only) and the weekend sale dates will be announced on my FB & Instagram. Oh and I'm so sorry that it has gotta be self collect only :)
Please make du'a for me, TQ!!!