Sunday, November 30, 2014

Nando's & Monopod

Abang is 18 today. 

We decided to have an early lunch for the day. Early coz Ayah had to go to work. Yes, work on a Sunday. Nothing new :(

Anyway, we went over to Nando's at Lot1 for his birthday lunch. Right before food was served, we were given a monopod for us to have fun wefie-ing. That was fun alright! Nice food, great company and of coz fun wefie. 

We returned the monopod before leaving, but little did we know that we got to keep the monopod! That was nice! It was truly a pleasant surprise for us! Rezeki la kan! Alhamdulillah :D

All is Well!

The moment full of anxiety that we had been waiting for weeks after weeks came along with a big sigh of relieve for all of us last night. MasyaAllah!! Allah has indeed arranged my life so beautifully. 

One after another, I was tested. The biggest blow was when I was told that The Saudi government, (whose regulations keep on changing every year) might change its policy for the age limit for mahram, i.e. one needs to be 18 years old to be mahram. Adek is only 16. Initially, I was advised that Adek is able to be mahram for Kakak for our Umrah trip since Ayah will not be accompanying the 3 of us. Yes, just 3 of us with my 2 other siblings, brother in law and a cousin. It was like I knew both Adek & Kakak are gonna do very well for their exams that I thought they deserve a bigger reward this time. Abang will be having his semester exams, the reason why Ayah would not be joining us. Belom ade rezeki for all 5 of us to do Umrah as a family. InsyaAllah, the day will come :') Noor Mohamad Services & Travel went all out to make appeal for Adek. Alhamdulillah, a week after the appeal, du'a after du'a, it was all good news. And the excitement begins for both Adek & Kakak! Alhamdulillah!!

Today was the last day of kursus, and Ustaz Noor made a very important announcement to all jemaah before he started of with practical tawaf. Something that everyone had been waiting to hear for the past weeks. Our visas are all approved!! Alhamdulillah!! Thank You ya Allah!! :') Praying for a smooth and blessed spiritual journey insyaAllah ameen.

the happy faces after the last kursus :D

Friday, November 28, 2014

JMS Secondary 1 Posting Result

The JMS Sec1 posting result was out earlier in the morning. Kakak has been offered a place in Madrasah Aljunied Al Islamiah, alhamdulillah. Monday, 1 Dec 2014 will be the registration day. Really hope that I could settle everything before 10 Dec 2014 insyaAllah. Yes, 10 Dec 2014, much looked forward day for Adek & Kakak. Their big reward day. Reward for their efforts, insyaAllah :) May they continue to strive for the best and attain success in this dunya and the hereafter, ameen!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Where did I go wrong?

kite sedar anak kite bukan anak cikgu atau anak ustaz/ustazah..tapi anak kite pon boleh berjaya..kite dan anak kite pon berhak happy dengan kejayaannye..just wonder where did i go wrong with my posting sampai dia suruh delete..abestu gaknye dia realised that she had read me wrongly, not even a word of apology from her.. ok! ye saye sedar i'm a nobody..

Friday, November 21, 2014

PSLE & ISPE Results 2014

Alhamdulillah thummal hamdulillah!! TQ Allah for all the nikmah. Marha marha Madrasah Al Irsyad for being the top among the madrasahs, for producing top 10 students among the other madrasahs, for the excellent above-national-school scores for Math, Malay and English.

So today the JMS pioneer P6 students received their results. They are indeed the chosen ones to be receiving 2 important results at one go - PSLE & ISPE

Alhamdulillah all went well. Kakak did very well for both exams. With 3A & 1B, Kakak scored a total aggregate of 236 for her PSLE, something that is lower than her target. But hey, that is good enough for Mama, Kakak, alhamdulillah!! And excellent results for her ISPE with 4MS 1M i.e. equivalent to 4A* & 1A. Marha marha!! Good job Kakak! Keep up the good work!

with her form teacher, mdm alwiah

irsyad will always stay in our hearts :') <3

with the principal, mr noor isham sanif


Just can't thank Allah enough for today, alhamdulillah!!

ISPE & PSLE Results Announcement

Today is it! Double excitement, double anxieties. 2 results in a row for Irsyad's pioneer JMS P6 students. To all P6 students, TAKE PRIDE IN HOW FAR YOU HAVE COME, AND HAVE FAITH IN HOW FAR YOU CAN GO. It's definitely gonna be a good good day today, insyaAllah :D And Kakak's gonna do great insyaAllah ameen!!!

A.L.I.F ~ Alhamdulillah It's Friday!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

STE 2014 Results - Sijil Thanawi Empat

Bismillah. In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. All my thoughts & sharings that I pen down are far from being boastful. It's for my own reading pleasure and a means of motivation for my other kids. I seek Your protection from being riak, nauzubillahi min zalik and Your forgiveness ya Allah, if I had gone astray.

The STE results was out earlier in the morning today. Much to my expectation, Adek came in 2nd. Marha Marha Adek! Adek shared an aggregate of 11 points for 7 ukhrawi subjects with the top student and the 3rd student as well. But because Adek falls short of 1 A1, Fatimah was announced as the top student. Still, alhamdulillah 'ala kulli hal. I can't thank Allah enough for all the nikmah that He has bestowed me in this life journey, alhamdulillah!! Adek has indeed made us all proud and I am one proud Mama!

the excitement & anxiety begins

the top 10 students

a glimpse of the results slip :')

Next up, the ISPE & PSLE Results for Kakak. InsyaAllah khair :')

Saturday, November 8, 2014

A Year Closer to death

It's all about numbers, and yet another year closer to death. Such a blessing to be given another year to repent. 

Alhamdulillah diatas nikmat umur yang telah Allah kurniakan selama ini. Semoga sisa-sisa umur yang ada ini mendapat keberkahan dan Redha Allah, ameen.

Happy Birthday to me :')


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Serious pe?

ISPE (Islamic Studies Primary Examination) started yesterday with Arabic oral. Kakak had her Qur'an oral earlier this morning. She returned home telling me something that amused her. The examiner for her Qur'an oral had said something in somewhat a whisper tone "full marks!" I guess this must have been the first time an examiner telling a student that she has just gotten full marks for the oral. Betol ke tak ni examiner ni hehehehe lau betol, alhamdulillah!! :D

We Are 19!

for all the fun and laughter, the fears and tears, the ups and downs, the love and squabbles, the pain and gain..alhamdulillah we made it thus far :')

happily ever after is after all not a fairy's indeed a choice <3

Happy Anniversary to us! :D