Sunday, August 31, 2014

Of Imam & Bilal

Right after his Qamar Camp, met up with Adek at Yew Tee to collect his new specs. He looked tired alright. Sometimes kesian nengok dia kepenatan but he never once complain, even when he has to come back late few days in a week for his tahfiz class after school at MKS. Bless him ya Allah!! :')

It was on the way back while walking home from Yew Tee that Adek told me he'll be given the chance to be Imam & Bilal on 20/9/14 at Masjid alKhair. He has to be at the masjid from 11am to 1pm on that day for some briefing. Alhamdulillah, I'm truly happy for him. He grabs every opportunity that comes by. However, it's a sad thing that Mama would not be around on that day to give you moral support. Though in Bandung, I shall pray that everything's gonna be just fine. My prayers for you & your other siblings know no limit, every moment, every other day!! Knowing you, everything's gonna be perfectly fine, insyaAllah. 

Friday, August 29, 2014

Of Sweetness & Being Bitter

The rain got heavier after maghrib. Adek had to leave soon for his Imam & Bilal course at Masjid alKhair.

It's really heartwarming to see Abang offered to send Adek to the bus-stop so that Adek wouldn't have to open up his folded umbrella. That was just too sweet! Alhamdulillah!!

Adek won't be back tonight coz he'll be going back to Irsyad @ Braddell right after his I&B course for his Qamar Camp. He just doesn't wanna miss both coz it's the last session for both tonight. 

Adek knows how to prioritise. He knows what's important and what is beneficial for him. There isn't any persuasion on my part for all the 'out of school' things he does. But some people think otherwise. Sadly, they are those related. "Mamanya, semua nak anaknya masok. Itu nak, ini nak. Kesian budak tu sampai naik kurus kering." 

To them I'd say, please shut up if you don't have anything better to say. Do you know that Adek loves what he's doing? Do you know how inclined he is in his ukhrawi compared to his inclination academically? Do you know he gets 6 MS for his recent STE prelim exams? Oh & yes, if you do not know yet, MS is Mumtaz Syaraf, Excellent, Distinction! Have ALL of you ever cared about my children? Their well being? Their progress, or any other teeny weeny bit about them? We owe you nothing! Just stop being bitter!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

A piece of Good news from Adek

As mama was too engrossed with kak inah's departure last night, adek just couldn't find the right time to share his happiness.

Adek was at mks for some yts event with his peers and asatizahs the whole afternoon & stayed at mks right up till isya' just so he could also be at the airport.

It was after we came back at almost 1.30am that he showed this piece of happy news to mama. Alhamdulillah, adek, having memorised 14 ajza' as at June 2014, is among the 5 best yts who had received this cert from mks, alhamdulillah. Mama is definitely happy & proud of you dek!!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Sakinah's Departure to Mesir

Time truly passed in a blink of the eye. Inah had left for Al Azhar University in (Mesir) Egypt, Cairo.

Last night was a teary night of pride, joy and sadness, all at once. Inah had eventually realised her dream. A dream comes true for her, a dream to pursue her studies in Al Azhar University. MasyaAllah, she's the pride of Suratman's family, being the 1st grandchild to be in Al Azhar, alhamdulillah.

May she return with more beneficial 'ilm and heightened iman and taqwa. We know she's gonna be in good hands for Allah will always be there to guide and protect ameen!

Friday, August 22, 2014

PTPC & Solat Hajat

Probably the last PTPC before the written PSLE exams begins. Alhamdulillah, Kakak had performed fairly well for her prelim. Alhamdulillah T-score for the whole cohort had been derived for the prelims and she gets the aggregate that she aims for. InsyaAllah she'll be able to achieve better, if not similar aggregate for the PSLE. She will achieve it! InsyaAllah!! Just wanna stay positive for her.

Solat hajat has always been the highlight of the year for Madrasah Al Irsyad before every 'big' exams begin. All P6 students, parents and teachers joined in the solat hajat held at  Masjid Muhajirin, led by Ustaz Idham.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Scotchtape dispenser

Abang brought home his supposedly first practical assignment last week.

The scotchtape dispenser's a neat piece of work I must say and yes, I'm impressed! Good job Abang! 

Monday, August 18, 2014

Fundraising for Gaza

I decided to do my part in raising some funds for the humanitary aid in Gaza. It was nothing big. Just some 300 pieces of laminated bookmarks which I handmade. And all proceeds from the sale goes to BAPA Organisation.

I received such an overwhelming support from friends and strangers alike alhamdulillah. Thanks to their support and trust, I managed to gather a humble sum of $700 in proceeds and cash donations in total.

I'm truly touched!! Even after I had closed sales for the bookmark and that the 4-days fundraising event had ended, I still received cash contributions from kind donors who had entrusted me to assist them in the transfer process to BAPA's account. MasyaAllah, everything is as Allah's will!! I can't possibly achieved this alone, without their support!! Alhamdulillah!! :')

Ya Allah, may you be pleased with this little effort ameen!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Why oh why

They came for raya visit. And the first thing they requested once they reached our place was just disappointing! "On TV lah, nak tengok NDP!" Ok, bukan ape, just that kite anak branak pon memang pesen tak nengok tv sangat but still we obliged. 

Bukan nak tunjok alim, tapi dah masok waktu Maghrib, since ayah keje, automatically aku pelawa the head of their family to solat jemaah, saying adek will lead the prayer. Only the father joined us. Kita bersangka baik that the wife & daughter uzor. But the son? Sampai kakak said to me, "saje nye muka dia tk join in to solat!" :( ya Allah aku mohon dan berdoa agar zuriat ku sentiasa dikalangan orang2 yang tetap mendirikan solat ameen. Semoga mereka2 yang masih lalai akan mendapat hidayahNya ameen.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Kak Inah's Majlis

Adek was given the opportunity to lead this event. Wak Saleh had entrusted him to baca doa selamat for Kak Inah who will be leaving soon to pursue her studies in Al Azhar University, Mesir. MasyaAllah, such was truly a proud moment for Mama, though doanye tidak lah sepanjang mana..but alhamdulillah for the opportunity & exposure given to him.

Not only did he lead the prayer for Kak Inah. He also lead the whole families who came to recite alFateha for Abang Hisham, Ayah and Kak Cha whose birthdays fall close on that day. Alhamdulillah! More of such opportunities in the near future insyaAllah :)

To Inah, may you have a safe journey to Mesir. Semoga mendapat ilmu yang bermanfaat dan barakah dan meraih kejayaan yang di impikan ameen!!