Makkah Al Mukarramah 14-19 Dec 2014
It was a Sunday. We packed our luggages for our trip to Makkah. Lom sempat tukar-tukar baju dalam luggage da nak pindah hotel hehehe Timing was delayed. To be frank, saya paling tak suka menunggu. Not pegawais' fault that we had to wait but some 'regulars' who always come much later than the appointed time. I'm on-the-dot-punctual-tak-suka-orang-tunggu-saya kind of person..ok da da nanti melalot plak >.<
Anyway, our bus left the hotel at about 3pm. We had a stopover at one of the R&R which was so crowded with jemaah heading towards Makkah too. Mutawwif decided that we do our jamak ta'khir at the hotel in Makkah instead. By then, it already took us almost an hour coz some had already went to queue for toilets & space for solat before mutawwif made that decision.
It was already 10pm by the time we reached Elaf Kinda hotel in Makkah. Big boss was already waiting for us at the restaurant where we had our late dinner.
First tawaf was scheduled at 12am. Ok k I is sedih ok coz still lom bole join buat umrah. Paling parah, I would still be in pantang larang ihram as long as I masek dalam haid oh man!!! nasib badan!! Suddenly I became so gembeng. Each time they left for Masjidil Haram, I'd started crying lol!! Hanya mampu watching live tawaf on TV.
One of the pegawai suggested that I brought back some zamzam water from outside the masjid for bathing. So we 3 branak went to Bin Daud to buy a 5ltr container, after which we filled with zamzam water.
Asked Adek to get into the masjid with the zamzam water and make du'a in front of the ka'abah for Mama. Kita hanya mampu berusaha dan berdu'a. Selainnya hanya Allah yang menentukan. Alhamdulillah du'a Adek buat Mama termaqbul! Allah telah mengizinkan aku mengerjakan umrah a day after my 'zamzam bath'. I believe when we are sincere in redha and sabr, Allah will definitely grant us the things that we yearn for. MasyaAllah, the feeling was indescribable! What more when seeing the Ka'abah for the 1st time after a few days in Makkah!! Berjurai-jurai airmata ngalahkan Neng Yatimah :P On a serious note, I felt truly humbled! Hamba yang sehina aku, Allah mash sudi menjemput menjadi tetamuNya. Allahu! Terasa sangat kerdilnya diri ini disisiMu ya Allah! :'(
Adek looked so cute after shaving his head bald. Sunggoh jeles tau nengok gambar-gambar dorang after tawaf and sa'i!
Places we visited while in Makkah :
We passed by places like Padang Arafah, Mina and Mudzalifah too. Not many pix taken though.
I might have missed out a place or two. Mata pon da kero nak update pardon me kalau tempat2 tersalah kerop hehehe
More fotos in and around Masjidil Haram
Honestly speaking, I hadn't had enough of both Madinah and Makkah. I really wish to come back. May Allah grant me with more rizq to be there again with all 5 complete family members ameen. And may this not be the last for me. More to come please ya Allah!! :'(
The time had come for us to pack up and bid Makkah goodbye. Alhamdulillah I managed to do tawaf wada' after a day of 'berekor'. Syukur sangat2 diatas segala nikmat dan peluang yang telah Allah kurniakan pada hambaNya yang hina ini :'(
Sayu sangat rasa hati saat kaki melangkah pergi. Entah bila akan berpeluang ke sini lagi. Rindu menyapa even disaat sebelum kaki melangkah pergi. AllahuRabbi!! :'(